8 Essentials for Elevating This Year’s Herb Garden

An herb garden is a reliable way to always have fresh herbs to elevate just about any meal. They can be enjoyed in both food and beverages. Their versatility is unmatched and because of this, you must grow an herb garden yourself this year.

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This incredible herb may very well be king to many. Basil is a must-have for any culinary enthusiasts and herb lovers alike. Its incredible aroma and rich flavor make it a versatile addition to many dishes. Basil is relatively easy to grow and provides a lush harvest for you to enjoy.

Some of the top basil varieties to grow from seed are:


Much lighter in its flavor profile compared to “king” basil but still a force to be reckoned with. Parsley is a classic and fresh herb. It’s versatile, delicate and used to add flavor or as a garnish in countless culinary dishes. There are flat-leaf and curly varieties of parsley but any of them are worth adding to your herb garden.

Some of the best parsley varieties to grow from seed are:


The quintessential Mediterranean herb full of fragrant leaves and bold flavor. Oregano is an absolute staple for any pizza and pasta sauce lovers. This herb is known for its resilience which makes it a very beginner-friendly herb to grow in your garden.

Some of the top oregano varieties to grow from seed are:


A small but mighty herb that adds a lovely burst or fragrance and flavor to an herb garden. Thyme is a perennial that you can in many dishes from roasted meats and vegetables to marinades and sauces. In addition to its culinary uses, thyme is also known for centuries of medicinal uses.

Some of the best varieties of thyme to grow from seed are:


Known for its distinctive taste, dill offers a fresh and tangy taste in addition to its feathery leaves that add great charm to any herb garden. From pickles to salads and even dips (like favorite – tzatziki) dill can elevate the flavor of so many recipes. Similar to many others, dill also offers medicinal benefits like acting as a natural digestive aid. Easy and quick to grow dill will add a great bounty to your herb garden.

Some great varieties of dill to grow from seed are:


Mint is a cooling and invigorating herb that is a great addition to an herb garden. It has vibrant leaves, a refreshing aroma and is an absolutely prolific grower. It can be enjoyed in a variety of ways from teas and cocktails to salads and desserts. Beyond its culinary uses, mint has medicinal properties surrounding digestion as well.

Some of the top varieties of mint to grow from seed are:


Marjoram is the hidden gem of an herb garden. Its leaves are dainty, aroma is both sweet and floral and its flavor is mild and slightly citrusy. Marjoram is great in a variety of dishes like stews, soups, roasts and vegetables. It’s low maintenance and easy to grow and harvest making it a must have herb for this year’s herb garden.

A great variety of marjoram to grow from seed is:


Last but certainly not least, rosemary. This well-known herb has needle-like leaves and a lovely fragrance. Its flavor is bold and slightly piney. You can use rosemary to infuse oil and flavor meats, breads and more. This herb is hardy grows well in a sunny location and requires little maintenance.

A great variety of rosemary to grow from seed is:

Truth is, you really can’t go wrong with herbs. Whether you have space for one pot on a window sill, a small raised bed or 10 square feet of space, you are going to love the process of growing, harvesting and using homegrown herbs from your herb garden.