Whip Up Delicious Homemade Butter in Minutes at Home

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Are you tired of store-bought butter or looking to try a new recipe at home? Why not try making your own homemade butter? Don’t worry; it’s easier than you think! With our simple butter recipe, you can create a creamy, delicious spread that will elevate any meal. In just a few minutes, you’ll have freshly made butter that beats anything you’ll find on the grocery store shelves. So, let’s get started and learn how to make butter from scratch!

Making Homemade Butter with a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer

If you have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, making homemade butter has never been so convenient. This section will guide you through the process of churning fresh butter using your kitchen aid stand mixer. With the right ingredients and settings, you can produce smooth and delicious butter in no time.


The ingredients for making butter are basic, and you might already have them in your kitchen:

  • Cold heavy cream, 2 cups
  • Pinch of salt (optional)


  1. Attach the whisk attachment to your mixer and pour the heavy cream into the mixer bowl.
  2. Cover the mixer with a kitchen towel to prevent splashing the cream everywhere and turn the mixer on the low speed to avoid splattering.
  3. Gradually increase the speed of the mixer. After about 10-20 minutes, the butter will start to separate from the buttermilk and form a thick mass.
  4. Turn off the mixer and strain the buttermilk from the butter using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
  5. If adding salt, mix it into the butter to taste.
  6. Shape the butter as you desire. (I like to use butter paddles for shaping)

This easy-to-follow recipe and process will give you the freshest, creamiest homemade butter, deliciously spreadable on toast, melted on grilled foods, and useful for baking. And don’t forget to save your buttermilk for all sorts of recipes from pancakes to homemade ranch dressing.

Using a Butter Churner for the Ultimate Homesteader Experience

If you’re looking to fully embrace the homesteading lifestyle and make your butter the authentic way, then using a manual butter churner is a must. With this traditional method, you’ll be transported back in time and experience the satisfaction of creating homemade butter from scratch.

Step-by-Step Guide to Homemade Butter with a Churner

  1. Fill the churner with heavy cream.
  2. Secure the lid and handle in place.
  3. Crank the handle or use a consistent rhythm to churn the cream. This process should take around 20-45 minutes, depending on the churner type and the amount of cream.
  4. As you churn, you’ll hear and feel a difference in the mixture’s consistency and texture. After some time, you’ll see butter floating in the buttermilk.
  5. Once churned, drain the buttermilk and rinse the butter in cold water.
  6. Knead the butter to remove any excess water (you can add salt to taste).
  7. Your butter is now ready to be enjoyed!

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Hand Churned Flavor

  • Use fresh and high-quality cream, ideally from grass-fed cows.
  • Keep the churner in a cool place before using to prevent the cream from spoiling.
  • Creating a consistent and rhythmic motion when churning can help achieve a smoother texture and quicker results.
  • Soak the churner parts in cold water before using to reduce friction.
  • Use a cheesecloth or strainer to separate the buttermilk from the butter effectively.


Now that you’ve learned how to make homemade butter from scratch, the possibilities are endless! Whether you’re adding it to freshly baked sourdough bread or using it in your favorite recipe, homemade butter is sure to impress.

By taking the time to make your own butter, you can enjoy the satisfaction of creating something delicious and wholesome in your own kitchen. Plus, you have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring a healthier option than store-bought butter.

So what are you waiting for? Try out this simple butter recipe and taste the difference for yourself. Your taste buds will thank you!