Growing Stunning Sunflowers in Pots to Brighten Your Space

Sunflowers are known for their bright cheery blooms. Whether you have limited space or are simply looking to spruce up your patio growing sunflowers in pots is one of the best ways to enjoy them! In this post, you will learn all you need to know about growing sunflowers in pots from selecting the best varieties to proper care.

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Choosing the right varieties

When it comes to growing sunflowers in pots, you’ll want to look for dwarf or compact varieties that are well-suited for container gardening. You’ll typically find these varieties maxing out at a height of around 3 feet.

  • Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower – growing about 1.5-2 feet tall without sacrificing bloom size, these make a great cut flower with long vase life and are edible for those interested in something nice to eat instead of something nice to look at.
  • Teddy Bear Dwarf Sunflower – slightly taller growing 2-3 feet tall with 3-5 inches blooms consisting of fuzzy-looking petals is this fun and unique variety. The Teddy Bear Dwarf Sunflower is also edible and blooms continually through the summer into early fall.
  • Incredible Dwarf Sunflower – growing about 2.5-3.5 feet tall with blooms as large as 9 inches! Matures (or goes from seed to bloom) in about 70 days.

Selecting the best pot and soil

Ideally, the pot you select to grow your sunflowers in should be about 12 inches in diameter or larger. In addition to size, you will also want to ensure there are drainage holes at the bottom to prevent the roots from getting waterlogged. Check out the great option below or look for something similar:

15″ or 12″ Tapered Signature Planter

For soil, a well-draining potting mix with organic matter will be your best bet. And adding compost or aged manure will help to improve the soil’s nutrient levels. Over time any plant in a container will begin to use up the nutrients at its disposal. Adding nutrients back into the pot for your sunflowers will keep them nice and happy.

Planting and Caring for Sunflowers in Pots

Next, planting sunflowers in pots while fairly easy, does still require some level of care. First things first, you want to fill your pot with soil, leaving about 2 inches at the top empty. Then, following instructions on the seed packet you’ll plant the seed approximately 1 inch deep. (Botanical Interests has excellent information on their seed packets for beginner gardeners!)

You’ll want to place the pot in a location that receives full sun, about 8 hours or more per day. Regular watering is also very important but be sure to let the plant breathe a bit between waterings.

As your sunflowers grow, they may require a little support. The shorter varieties of sunflowers are less likely to fall over, however, especially if in a windy location, it isn’t a bad idea to offer the plant a sturdy stake for some additional support.

Growing sunflowers in pots, particularly from seed is a rewarding and fun experience. Regardless of the amount of space you have, you too can garden and grow sunflowers. By selecting the right varieties, choosing a good location, and proper care you can enjoy these lovely bright blooms. Share your questions and/or success stories in the comments!